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Web Authoring (Blogging)


Common Core Writing Standard 6: With guidance and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
Though this seems advanced, this is a Kindergarten standard.


Blogging in the classroom can supplement, replace and enhance traditional teaching methods. Some of the benefits include: allowing teachers and student to comment and provide feedback to each other via online posts, creating a greater sense of community with a class, giving a voice to students who may not feel comfortable speaking aloud in a classroom setting, and so on. But we all know there are concerns and misuse with blogs as well. This page is designed to guide CUSD teachers in preparing and implementing classroom blogs.
 Before diving into classroom blogging please take a minute to read this wonderful article that summarizes blogging:  Why Teachers and Students Should Blog:  18 Benefits of Educational Blogging (posted on 3/14/2018).


Before implementing a classroom blog the following information must be reviewed and applied:
  • As per the Board Policy 4040 and Administrative Regulation 4.21, blogs, forums, or similar online communication representing the distict or using district equipment or resources without permission is not approved unless district publishing guidlines are followed. Because of the unfiltered nature of blogs any such site shall include a disclaimer that the dsitrcit is not responsible for the content of the messages. The district has the right to delete material on any such online communication.
  • On district approved and/or controlled environments blogs and student online communication is permitted. Such approved systems include but are not limited to Angel / OC Online and SchoolLoop.


District approved controlled environments for blogging include but are not limited to:
  • SchoolLoop
Suggested educational blog environments but will still require permission and disclaimer include but are not limited to: (*each of these resources require passwords and permission for the student to access and participate)
 If you have additions or questions regarding these resources, please contact your EdTech Department.