- Departments
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- Education and Support Services
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- Technology (TIS)
- Educational Technology
- Information Services and Assessment
- Resources
- Student Chromebook Program
- Technical Support
- Data and Assessments
Digital Learning Programs
Digital Learning Programs (DLPs) are online programs that offer learning experiences outside the adopted core curriculum. These programs provide both extension of material and intervention for those who need extra practice or more intensive methods to learn material.
Due to the staffing limitations and the legal requirements around student data, Capistrano Unified has limited the scope of what it considers a supported DLP. A supported DLP is one in which the district manages the upload of student rosters and information for the purpose of students gaining access to the program. Not all supported programs are available for all grade levels.
CUSD is currently developing a process for adopting new programs to the District Supported list of programs.
The California Student Data Privacy Agreement (CSDPA) is a data privacy agreement created by a coalition of school districts in California that fulfills the requirements of FERPA and COPPA among other legal requirements.
Supported DLPs are required to sign the CSDPA prior to the start of the contract to ensure safety of student information and retention of ownership of content and data. This agreement is signed before data is sent.