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Educational Technology


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Students deserve an education that values, engages, and inspires the unique “awesome” in every student.
Transform classrooms to centers of curiosity through best practice technology integration.
Lana Nguyen
Director, Educational Technology
Julia Dewees
Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA)
Reannah Sartoris
Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA)
Don Prescott
Lead Training & User Support Specialist
Rafael Corona
Training & User Support Specialist
Cecilia Roybal
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Parents & Community

Resources for our parents and community to stay up to date on what is happening with technology in CUSD.

Classroom Technology

 Support for our teachers on the software & devices in our classrooms.  Learning programs, Chromebooks, iPads, etc.

GFI & Technology

 Support for our amazing teachers on how technology supports Great First Instruction in the classroom.

Elementary Report Card

 Digital literacy is now on the elementary report card to align with the Common Core Standards.  Get more info here.

Digital Literacy

 How can we teach students to use the information online, generate new ideas, and communicate them effectively?

Innovation Labs

 Students in elementary school are engineering in their classrooms.  See how to utilize the innovation labs in CUSD.


Please refer to the Organizational Chart for a current listing of TIS staff and positions.
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Call RADAR for all your technology support needs or find us on the web at myCUSD (staff only) to create a RADAR request.