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Workability I

Mission of WorkAbility 1 (WA1)
The mission of WA1 is to promote the involvement of key stake holders, including students, families, educators, employers, and other agencies in planning and implementing an array of services that will culminate in successful student transition to employment, life-long learning, and quality adult life.
Eligibility for WA1 Services
Students with an active Individual Education Plan (IEP) who attend a Saddleback Valley Unified School District High School are eligible to receive services. These services, however, are not mandated by the IEP and should not be confused with transition services, which are a required component. Eligible students may receive some, many, or all school-based components, but not all eligible students will be placed in a paid work-based experience.
School-Based Components
- Career/Vocational assessments (formal and informal evaluations of interests, skills, abilities, and personality)
- Career counseling and guidance
- Partnership collaboration or parent participation
- Career Awareness, Exploration, and Preparation Activities

Work-Based Components
- Job development
- Employment
- Job retention