Early Childhood Special Education Programs
We are proud to serve our students with varying exceptionalities and needs in a variety of programs! Our programs range from general education to specialized classrooms. Placement into a specialized program is determined by the child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and special education team. Our EC Special Education programs serve both PK and TK grade level students.
Below you will find a list of our various programs, as well the program brochures which share more information about the program. While these brochures are meant to share a little bit more about the program, please note that invidiualized supports and services are outlined in each child's Individualized Education Plan.
Blended Inclusion Class
Blended Inclusion Class
Blended Inclusion Class

An early intervention program for preschool & transitional kindergarten
(Supporting early academic and language skills)
An early intervention program for preschool & transitional kindergarten
(Structured Autism Class)
A preschool & transitional kindergarten program providing a structured environment to help students achieve skills in behavior, language, and social skills
Special Education Resources
Special Education Resources
Special Education Resources
We recognize that going through special education can be an overwhelming and emotional process. Please know that we are here to support our families however we can. Below you will find some links to some helpful resources, including:
- The CAC, or Special Education Community Advisory Council: The CAC is a collaborative partnership of parents, educators, and community members. The CAC provides an opportunity for families to communicate with district administrators, connect with other parents, and share resources and support.
- Special Education Handbook: This document was designed to provde important information to families about special education, IEPs and IEP meetings, procedures, etc.
- Family Resource Page: Resources for families ranging from activies, community resources, websites, information about school readiness and child development, etc.
- CUSD Family Resource Center: Our District also has a Family Resource Center, which offers both in-person and online resources in various areas.

Interesed in More Resources?
Check out our Resources for Special Education/Special Needs page!