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Employee Complaint Process



The procedure specified in this administrative regulation shall be used to investigate and resolve any complaint by an employee alleging misapplication of the district's policies, regulations, rules, or procedures or for "whistleblower" complaints by an employee or job applicant regarding an improper district activity including, but not limited to, an allegation of gross mismanagement, a significant waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or a specific danger to public health or safety.
Step 1 - Informal Complaint Process

Step 1 - Informal Complaint Process

Prior to instituting a formal, written complaint, the employee shall first discuss the issue with their supervisor or the principal of the school where the alleged act took place.  Formal complaint procedures shall not be initiated until the employee has first attempted to resolve the complaint informally.

Step 2 - Formal Complaint Process

Step 2 - Formal Complaint Process

If a complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved through the informal process in Step 1, the complainant may file a written complaint with their immediate supervisor or principal within 60 days of the act or event which is the subject of the complaint. If an employee fails to file a written complaint within 60 days, the complaint shall be considered resolved on the basis of the preceding step.
Step 2 Formal Complaint Form

Step 3 - District Level Appeal

Step 3 - District Level Appeal

If a complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step 2, the complainant may file the written complaint with the Superintendent or designee within five working days of receiving the written response from the immediate supervisor or the principal. The complainant shall include all information presented to the immediate supervisor or principal at Step 2 and must provide new and relevant information to justify the appeal.
Step 3 Complaint Form

Step 4 - Appeal to the Governing Board

Step 4 - Appeal to the Governing Board

If a complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step 3, the complainant may file a written appeal to the Board within five working days of receiving the Superintendent or designee's response. All information presented at Steps 1, 2, and 3 shall be included with the appeal, including new and relevant information, not presented in Steps 2 or 3, to justify the appeal and the Superintendent or designee shall submit to the Board a written report describing attempts to resolve the complaint and the district's response.
Step 4 Complaint Form