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Outgoing Interdistrict Transfer



All students applying for a school outside of Capistrano Unified School District (OUTGOING) must complete an online application.  All Five Steps below must be completed. 
    1. Complete the online application
    2. A PDF application will be emailed to you and will need to be printed
    3. The parent/guardian must initial on each line of the Terms and Conditions and sign the application
    4. The signed original application along with the required supporting documents must be submitted to the CUSD District Office via mail or dropped off.
    5. Only after the signed application along with the supporting documents are received at the District Office, the application will be reviewed. Failure to submit the signed application or supporting documents will deem the application abandoned. 
Original outgoing applications along with the supporting documents can be submitted to the CUSD District Office via mail or dropped off. 
Capistrano Unified School District
Attn: Interdistrict Transfers
33122 Valle Road
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
We are unable to make copies of applications or supporting documents.  Please maintain a copy for your records.