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Education & Support Services


An unwavering commitment to student success
FRESH START Enrollment Process

FRESH START Enrollment Process

1. If a student would like to enroll in Fresh Start, the parent and student must make an
appointment to meet with the student’s Counselor at their resident high school to
discuss if Fresh Start is an appropriate placement.

2. If it is determined that Fresh Start is appropriate, then the parent, student, and
Counselor fill out the Request for Alternative Education form (form will be provided
by the Counselor).

3. The form requires the Counselor to complete a list of the classes the student will be
taking on campus if the student is dual enrolling. If a student would like to take one
or two classes at his/her resident high school (dual-enrollment), please be prepared
to let the Counselor know which class (es) the student will take on campus.

Next Steps:
1. The Fresh Start Principal or the Admissions & Discharge Committee will review the
referral packet, and then approve or deny the placement. If approved, a Fresh Start
teacher is assigned.

2. The Fresh Start Office Manager will notify the student’s Counselor and
registrar/guidance secretary that the student was approved or denied.

3. The Counselor or Guidance Secretary will notify the student and parent that
the student has been approved.

4. Student must attend classes at their resident high school until the student meets
with their Fresh Start teacher. A parent/guardian must attend the first meeting
with the Fresh Start teacher.

5. The Fresh Start teacher will contact the parent/student to set up an enrollment
meeting. The enrollment meeting must occur no later than five school days after the
Fresh Start teacher has contacted the parent. If the meeting is not held within five
school days, then the student will be dropped from the Fresh Start program.