Program Requirements
Student Requirements
Student Requirements
Student Requirements
What are students required to do?
- Meet with the Fresh Start teacher once per week to review assignments.
- Meet with the Fresh Start math teacher once per week, if student takes math with Fresh Start.
- Turn in completed assignments during weekly appointment time.
- Complete 4 to 6 hours per day (5 days per week), per school week of “at home” work.
- Complete under teacher supervision, written and verbal assessments, quizzes, and tests.
- Complete 220 credits to earn a high school diploma.
- Work on one class at a time, except for math and Physical Education which are semester-long courses.
Student and Parents RespoNsibilities
Student and Parents RespoNsibilities
Student and Parents RespoNsibilities
Student Responsibilities
- Read, sign and date the Master Agreement prior to the first day of classes. This is a
compliance requirement for California independent study programs. - Attend weekly student/teacher in-person meetings with student’s Fresh Start teacher.
- Report to resident high school for state and district testing.
- Submit all work with the required heading. The heading must include the student’s first
and last name, the title of the class (example: English III), the title of assignment with its
assignment number, teacher’s name (example: Mr. Smith), and the date. The heading
must be included on each page of your assignment. - Read and comply with all school rules and procedures including the Academic Honesty
Policy. Violations may result in a behavior contract and/or withdrawal from Fresh Start. - Show respect for and cooperation with all adults and classmates while at Fresh Start.
Poor conduct may result in a behavior contract and/or withdrawal from Fresh Start. - Promptly return all school-owned books, materials and equipment at the end of each
semester/or school year. Fresh Start is required to invoice families for lost or damaged
school property. - Success in independent study requires a high degree of self-discipline and
responsibility. Each weekly assignment must be completed by the student and
presented to the teacher at the following scheduled meeting. Students must allot the
appropriate amount of time needed to complete assignments. - Completing each class in three weeks will enable the student to earn a maximum
number of credits. If a student takes longer than three weeks to complete a class
(except for P.E. and math courses), it will reduce the number of credits that can be
earned during the semester. - Students must participate in all state mandated testing. (11th Grade SBA, California
Science Test, 9th Grade Physical Fitness Test, All Grades - Common Interim
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
- Read, sign and date the Master Agreement prior to the first day of classes. This is a
compliance requirement for California independent study programs. - Support your student’s progress by monitoring the completion of assignments, quality
of work, and acceptable grades. - Maintain effective home-school communications with Fresh Start teacher, which
includes notifying the Fresh Start teacher in a timely manner of any concerns that may
affect student performance. - Ensure that your student has transportation to and from the weekly meeting with
his/her Fresh Start teacher and any required district and state testing. - Ensure that your student returns school property (books, materials and equipment) at
the end of each term. Fresh Start is required to invoice families for lost or damaged
school property.
Master Agreement Summary
Master Agreement Summary
Master Agreement Summary
- Independent study is a full time program requiring the student to do the same amount of work as would be
completed in the traditional high school classroom. - Weekly assignments will be given and must be completed and turned in at the next scheduled appointment, unless
a prior exemption is made with the teacher in accordance with district policy. For Fresh Start students (grades 9th
-12th), the maximum length of time allowed between the assignment and the date the assignment is due is seven
calendar days, unless a prior exemption is made by the supervising teacher. - When a student misses assignments from one assignment week, an evaluation will be conducted to determine
whether it is in the best interest of the student to remain in independent study. A written record of the findings
will be placed in the student’s cumulative file. The record shall be maintained for a period of three years from the
date of the evaluation and, if the student transfers to another California public school, the record shall be forwarded
to that school. Academic and attendance credit will be lowered for incomplete, late, and/or partial assignments.
(Attendance is based on assignment completion for Independent Study). - Each five-credit class takes a minimum of three weeks to complete, except P.E. and math courses which are take
the entire semester to complete. Each assignment is designed to be completed in one week. The maximum time a
student may spend on one contracted class is eight weeks (except for P.E. and math courses). - Students who are not enrolled in Fresh Start for an entire semester will earn fewer credits. Students can earn five
credits in three weeks if all assignments are satisfactory completed and submitted on time.
- Missed assignments, incomplete assignments and missed meetings are in violation of this agreement. The
California Education Code states that there are “no excused absences” in this program. Therefore, any missed
assignments, incomplete assignments or missed meetings are not excused and will seriously jeopardize a student’s
placement in independent study. Students will be warned and evaluated for continuation in independent
study, upon the first and second violations of missed assignments, incomplete assignments or missed
meetings and dropped from the program upon the third violation. - Any violation of this agreement may result in disenrollment for non-compliance. Disenrolled students will be
referred to their resident high school or another appropriate district program/school. - Violation of the Academic Integrity Contract may result in student being dismissed from the Fresh Start
Independent Study program and future participation in the program will be prohibited.
- Independent Study is an optional educational alternative that students voluntarily select, including expelled
students (Ed Code §48915) and/or students whose expulsion has been suspended (Ed Code §48917). All students
who choose independent study have the continuing option of returning to the classroom. - Students with an active Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) may not enroll with Fresh Start unless their IEP
specifically provides for enrollment in independent study.
- The independent study option is to be substantially equivalent in quality and quantity to classroom instruction, and
students who choose to engage in independent study are to have equality of rights and privileges with students in
the regular school program.
- The student will complete all assigned courses, utilizing face-to-face instruction. Subject/course objectives reflect the
curriculum adopted by the district’s governing board and are consistent with district standards as outlined in the
district’s subject/course descriptions. Evaluation of assignments is based upon teacher assessment of weekly written
work and projects, test score(s) and oral presentations. The specific objectives, methods of study and resources for
each assignment covered by this agreement are described in the course contracts.