Key Components of MTSS
Student Well-Being
Student Well-Being is important for students to maintain positive relationships, decision-making skills, develop perspective-taking skills and build emotional intelligence.
Why Student Well-Being so important?
The five student Well-Being competencies assist students in developing “Connections, Community and Celebration” throughout their school day. Circling them are the four key settings where students live and grow. Building student well-being is a process of understanding and regulating one’s emotions, developing the ability to empathize with others, including those with diverse backgrounds and cultures, making constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions, and establishing and maintaining positive relationships.
Student Well Being Support and Programs by tier, click here.
Teaching and Learning
Great First Instruction supports grade level content, higher learning and critical thinking
Great First Instruction (GFI) is designed to engage ALL students in meaningful, challenging and innovative educational experiences (click through to presentation slide). GFI aims to give all students the best opportunity to learn standards-based, grade-level content and skills the first time they receive instruction. As professional learning communities, teacher teams collaborate to plan lessons and assessments to support higher levels of learning, critical thinking and project-based learning.
The intent of GFI is that the majority of students will master content during initial classroom instruction. If additional support is needed, Tier II or Tier III supports are added, such as individual or small group instruction, reteaching lessons, and tutorial time during the school day.
Examples of how the same resource is used at multiple tiers, click here.
Positive Behavior
Positive Behavior supports all tiers of MTSS. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is the foundation for building schoolwide positive behavior and has a direct impact on the academic and well-being needs of all students. PBIS utilizes school-wide strategies to reinforce positive behavior to create a positive school culture and climate.
Tier I includes building strong school values and policies, as well as healthy classroom and schoolwide practices. Activities and rewards include prize drawings, special recognitions, and assemblies to support positive behavior and attendance. Tiers II and III include targeted supports in smaller groups of students or intensive individualized support utilizing formal assessments. The focus is on supporting students who are at risk for developing more serious problem behaviors before they start.
For examples of programs and supports by tier click here