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Parent conferences at all grade levels are designed to foster good communication in the parent/teacher partnership and help all children reach their highest potential. At the elementary school level, a conference is held with the parent, the teacher, and when appropriate, the student, during the first trimester. Parents have the opportunity to tell the teacher about their child’s achievements and goals, and the teacher has the chance to explain the standards and curriculum, initial assessment data, and academic goals.
Throughout the year, teachers send home information about class assignments and student achievement. Parents are encouraged to speak with a teacher about concerns at any time by making appointments. In the spring, parents of elementary students are invited to attend progress conferences to discuss academic growth and any academic concerns.


California Parent Teacher Association (PTA):
The is a volunteer organization with more than one million members nationwide. The PTA actively participates in statewide education-related commissions, committees, and organizations to support and enhance school programs.
Capistrano Unified Council of PTAs (CUCPTSA):
The Capistrano Unified Council of PTAs (CUCPTSA) oversees the district's parent-teacher groups, working to promote the health, education, and welfare of all children. The Council sponsors a variety of student-focused programs, including drug awareness, cultural enrichment, educational outreach, and disaster preparedness, to name a few. In addition, committees are formed to support education at all levels, from hospitality and libraries at the school site to legislative teams that actively engage in promoting the interests of public education. Fundraisers and other events help support these services. Every year school site PTA members volunteer countless hours of service to their schools.
PTA communicates regularly with parents through the publication of newsletters and email listservs, as well as by disseminating information at parent events. Parents are encouraged to join. Membership drives are conducted at the start of each school year, and individual school sites and principals can provide information about membership.
Community Advisory Committee (CAC):
The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is a collaborative partnership comprised of parents of children with special needs, parents of general education students, educators, and community agencies working together to support activities on behalf of students with special needs.  The CAC advises the Board of Trustees and District special education administrative staff on the local plan for special education, along with presenting annual priorities for special education to the Board.   The CAC sponsors parent education training, provides an opportunity for families to connect with other parents, share resources, raise awareness and support students with special needs within the District.  CAC meetings are open to anyone.  Please check the CAC link on the District Student Support Services website for more information about the meetings.


All schools establish School Site Councils (SSC) which are comprised of the principal, teachers, parents, classified employees, and high school students at high school sites. School Site Councils annually approve the Single School Plan for Student Achievement which defines instructional and school-wide goals for each school. These plans are based on an analysis of achievement data in all areas and are submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval. School Site Councils also serve an important role in offering advice and input for the instructional program, implementation, and evaluation. Parents are encouraged to run for positions on School Site Council.


Please visit the Human Resources website for complete information on volunteering in Capistrano Unified School District.
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