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School Safety

Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance

Capistrano Unified does not provide medical insurance for school-related injuries. However, the school district does make available a variety of affordable plans to help parents in the case of a student accident. For information on student benefit plans, please contact the office at your child’s school.
Cooperation with Law Enforcement

Cooperation with Law Enforcement

CUSD enjoys a strong relationship with county law and judicial agencies. The District especially works closely with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department Juvenile Services Bureau and the School Mobile Assessment Resource Team (SMART). The SMART Team is a cooperative arrangement among the county district attorney, sheriff and probation departments. SMART provides preventive and investigative assistance to schools.
OC Sheriff Logo
Student Information/Emergency Information

Student Information/Emergency Information

Student Information/Emergency information can be updated throughout the year via the CUSD Parent Portal. Please contact your school to receive your student’s confidential account information so that you may sign up for a portal account. If for some reason, you are unable to create a portal account, be sure to contact the school office with any changes in emergency contact information.
A local contact person should be listed as an emergency contact in case the school is unable to reach the parents.  If a child becomes ill or injured at school, the parent(s) will be contacted immediately.  It is extremely important that these Student Information/Emergency forms contain current information. Your electronic signature on the student information/emergency form also certifies that you have read notifications which the California and U.S. Department of Education require school districts to distribute to parents.
Property Damage

Property Damage

Parents are held financially responsible if a child deliberately destroys or defaces school property.
Safe School Plan

Safe School Plan

Each Capistrano Unified school site has a School Safety Plan which includes a comprehensive emergency management plan. Copies are available to read at each school office. Fire drills are held monthly in elementary schools; emergency drills are held each semester at secondary schools.
Visitor Policy

Visitor Policy

Parents are encouraged to visit their child’s classroom. Please contact the principal regarding arrangements. Visits by children who are friends or relatives of students are not permitted.
All visitors to schools must report to the office prior to entering classrooms or school grounds and receive a visitor badge. There are no exceptions to the requirement.
Visit the CUSD Safety and Student Services website for additional information.
Visit the Student Support Services Website (covers: School Counselors, Health Services, Home Hospital Instruction, MediCAL and more).
Child Abuse Reporting